Friday, December 3, 2010

El Museo Guggenheim

Durante mi estancia en Bilbao he podido ir a la maravillosa museo Guggenheim. Soy un gran fan de los museos de arte, así que fue un placer para mí. Me encanta la obra de arte, el edificio y la atmósfera. Sin embargo, no todo el mundo piensa que el museo es digno de toda la charla. Los críticos dicen que, dado que hay muchos de ellos son como McGuggenheims. Sí es cierto que algunos de los otros no lo han hecho bien, pero el Guggenheim es un símbolo importante para Bilbao. El edificio recuerda la historia de la ciudad con su forma de barco silla inspirada, es también el comienzo de una nueva era para el pueblo de Bilbao. El Guggenheim tuvo un gran efecto sobre cada parte de la ciudad, la economía, la mirada, y la gente. Mientras que el Guggenheim puede tener su crítica, que tiene su apoyo. Los partidarios son la gente de Bilbao.


How do I feel about Dexter? To be honest I am really confused about my emotions toward the popular showtime show, Dexter. While the show has an addictive quality, it also has a gross factor. I am not sure how I feel about watching a "taking out the trash" serial killer murder other, more deserving serial killers. Nonetheless, the show is addicting. It isn't your regular crime fighting show. There isn't a murder solved every episode, with men in glasses talking in deep voices always stating the obvious. There is a plot, a story line that creates an addiction, DEXTERITIS. There are the bad guys that the viewer hopes that either the police or Dexter gets ahold of, then there is the "good" serial killer Dexter. It is strange to me the amount of empathy and approval that I, as the viewer, have of Dexter. It really makes me question just what is right and wrong. Is it wrong to kill a murderer to prevent them from killing more innocent people? Is it ok? Is he acting in the best interests of the community? While I do not have any of the answers to these questions, they still fascinate me all the same.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

You are my Everest!

I would venture to say that my time in Bilbao has been well spent and very beneficial so far. The program is organized, the school is nice, my teachers are nice and Bilbao is nice. You would think that since I am still going to classes here in Spain that that would be where most of my learning takes place, and to an extent that is where I learn. However, the majority of the things I have learned in Spain have been outside of the classroom. I have learned a lot of the language, a lot about the culture and a lot about myself. It is amazing the strides that you take when you are places in a foreign country with what I could only label as a mediocre knowledge of the language based solely upon book learning rather than practical application. I have learned a lot about what I am capable of. I used to think that Spanish was somewhat similar to mount everest in that it was just one of those things that I would never be able to conquer. While I would not say that I have conquered Spanish, I would say that I believe it is possible. While my grammar is still a little shaky and my word choice will inevitably be incorrect many times during the day, I can get my point across. I can get my point across even when the topic is complex and my thoughts are complex. For the first time I can actually communicate, and after all, isn't that what it is all about. While to many this may not seem like a monumental task, it was to me. Languages do not come easy to me, but all of my hard work and hours using a dictionary are finally paying.

Conservación del Energía en San Sebastian

Adif ha invierte 360.000 euros para el transformación de cinco centros eléctrica en la estación de Irun en San Sebastian. Pero, por que es este importante? Este es importante para conservación. Tenemos el conocimiento hacer un diferencia en el medio ambiente mientras hacer le energía más fiable. Creo que todos lugares donde es posible debería hacer el mismo cosa. Es beneficioso para el planeta y las personas igual.

País Vasco: Un comunidad o país?

     En el 14 de septiembre de 2012, 14 personas eran arresto para sus participación en el grupo terrorista ETA. Este marca los primeros arrestos desde el alto el fuego en 5 de septiembre. ETA es un grupo terrorista en el país vasco, este grupo aboga por el separación del país vasco del resto de España.    
    Sé que el país vasco tiene un lengua y cultura diferente del resto de España, pero no pienso que es posible para el país vasco se convierte a una país sin el resto de España. Primero, el país vasco no tiene un ejército o recursos suficientes! Segundo, el país no es bastante grande a crear un nuevo país. Tercer, es posible tener un identidad como un vasco mientras queda un parte de España. 
  Creo que es bien a tener un identidad con el país vasco, pero no sé por que necesita asesinar y bombardear otras personas. Pienso que es un camino mejor para negociar que violencia.

Una Guía a Bilbao

Me ha muy alegre que tu te gusta ir a Bilbao. Esta muchos lugares a ver en Bilbao. Uno de los lugares más importante es el museo Guggenheim. Es un museo magnífico. Tiene muchos esculturas, dibujos y pintas moderno. Mucho son sabe en todo el mundo. Tiene una mezcla de obras que toda de las personas les gustan. El museo es en es en el centro de Bilbao. Muy cerca de la ría y el estación de metro se llamaba Moyua. Cuesta entre 6-10 euros. El museo es importante para Bilbao porque el museo tiene un gran efecto en la cuidad, el efecto Guggenheim. Esta museo apoya la ciudad a se convierta a un cuidad muy importante de España.
                                                             Enfrento del Museo Guggenheim

Bilbao en la Noche
Otro lugar importante en Bilbao es el Teatro Arriaga en Casco Viejo. Este teatro tiene muchos realizaciones típico del país vasco y también España. Tiene realizaciones de danza, teatro, ópera y más. El precio es razonable y depende cual sillas tu te gusta. Cultura y arte es muy importante para Bilbao y si visitas recomiendo que experimentas este parte de la cultura.
Tengo uno recomendación más sobre lugares a visitar en el País Vasco. Plentzia es un cita un poco afuera de Bilbao pero tiene un estación de metro y es muy fácil a visitar. Plentzia tiene un playa sin los grúas que molesta la vista. Plentzia es un lugar con mucha belleza. Tiene muchos barcos de navegar, un puente hermosa y helado perfecto. Si no eres be España proba los sabores fresa o nata. El helado de fresa es rojo, rojo, rojo con fresas reales. Nata es un sabor que es muy común en España es un sustituto por vainilla y es muy rica, prefiero nata más de vainilla. La playa es muy limpia y tiene bastante restaurantes alrededor. Pero CUIDADO porque si necesitas usar el baño necesitas dinero, esta es un sorpresa para mi pero es muy común en Europa. Creo que Plentzia es el mejor lugar para un día a la playa en Bilbao. Es bien para familias pero CUIDADO porque algunas mujeres y niños son desnudos a la playa.

                                                                La Playa en Plentzia

Los barcos en Plentzia

     Un otro lugar que recomiendo es Bar la Parra en un barrio de Bilbao, Deusto. Mientras está bar no mire como mucho, es un bien lugar a estar con amigos y pasarlo bien. Todo de las personas son amable y el camarero es como un amigo a todos. Es muy fácil a encontrar nuevos amigos y ver los viejos. Muchas personas juegan partidos de bebidas. Algunas veces tiene entrenamiento como cantantes y normalmente es lo mismas personas que es normalmente en la bar todo de los fines de semanas. Tiene mucho opciones de bebidas a una precio muy barato cual es muy bien para estudiantes y jóvenes.
         PASARLO BIEN!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Mi recomendación para un lugar en el país vasco es Guernica. Guernica es una cuidad con mucha historia y importancia. Guernica es el centro de la vida política en el País Vasco. Parlamento está en Guernica y es el lugar de encuentro hacer muchos decisiones políticos para muchos siglos. El lugar más importante in Guernica es Gernikako Arbola, el árbol adonde personas encuentro. También es un símbolo de derechos tradicionales.  Guernica es más famoso para el bombardero en el 26 de Abril de 1937 por los Nazis.  Está bombardero afecten muchas personas en todo el mundo. Pablo Picasso pintó "Guernica" en recuerda de los eventos. Guernica es una ciudad llena con tradiciones, cultura y belleza. Creo que es sucede una visita.

Primeros Semanas en Bilbao

Primeros Semanas

   En dos palabras Bilbao es hermosa y a la mismo tiempo difícil. Mientras la ciudad, la ría y la cultura son interesante y cautivador tengo dificultad para adaptarme. El estilo de vida es mucho más despacio de lo que es normal para mi. No es malo, solamente diferente.
    Por ejemplo, los supermercados son muy pequeños aquí. También no tienen mucha comida que espero y es parte de mi dieta normal. Además, ellos no tienen una gran selección. Hay muchas diferencias en los restaurantes también. Sé que las tiendas están cerradas por la siesta pero no sé por que los restaurantes están cerrando tampoco. Además, es normal cenar a las ocho y media o más tarde. Sin embargo, el aspecto más desafiante de lo vida en Bilbao el la comida. Yo soy una vegetariana y mucha comida contiene carne o pescado y usa especias diferentes.
    Sin embargo, me encantan mis compañeros. Uno es de Francia y la otra es de India. Nos divertimos mucho juntos y siempre nos ayudamos el uno del otro con nuestro español. También, viajamos siempre juntos y encontramos muchas personas nuevas. Teniendo compañeros buenos hace más fácil vivir en otro lugar y estoy muy agradecido a ellos.

Una noticia sobre el País Vasco en EEUU

Leía un articulo sobre 2 cantantes en el websitio
2 cantantes, Erramun Martikorena y Mikel Markez, interpretaron juntos sus musica en muchos ciudades en California el mes pasado para 2 semanas.

Martikoreno nació en el país vasco en Francia en un puebla Baigorri. Canta canaciones tradicional del País Vasco. Él es un pastor también.

Markez es une cantante más moderno, desde un ciudad Errenteria. Él empieza a cantar cuando 15 años. Su musica es poesia y musica juntos.

Interpretaron en fiestas vascos y también discotecas vasco en California.

No sé que nos tenemos discotecas y fiestas vascos en los EEUU.  Creo que es bueno a mirar que nos tenemos muchas culturas diferente y es permitió a celebrar su cultura respectiva en publico. También invitan otros a unirse, otros tiene la oportunidad a participar en la cultura de otros.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Wonder if it is Worth it...

After taking 3 tests this week I have decided that sometimes studying doesn't help. I feel like that questions that I knew on the test I knew before I studied and the questions that I did not know were nowhere in the material that I used to study with. Perhaps I have a slight advantage seeing as how I have a partially photographic memory, nonetheless, I feel as though hours of the time that I spent studying could have been put to better more productive use. However, studying does serve one important task. It makes me feel as though I am more prepared than if I had not studied, whether this is true or not is still up for debate. I at least feel this way about my classes that are theoretical in nature rather than fact driven.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


PREFACE: This week I have had 3 huge tests and a Spanish paper due. This means that my sleep time has been almost non-existent.
         Last night at around 3 a.m. while writing a Spanish paper I decided to kill time that I didn't have to read proposal stories, because after all who doesn't love them? I was reading this adorable story of his this woman's boyfriend proposed to her in one of the cutest ways that I have ever heard of. After her proposal story came to an abrupt end she wrote that her fiance was killed in action in Iraq before they had a chance to get married. To this I cried, I cried so hard in fact that I had to call someone so that I could stop. For a while there I think he thought that something was terribly wrong, and I mean terribly wrong. I proceeded to cry for about the next 45 minutes over this 2 paragraph story. Lets just say that late-night reading is risky business!

  • Risk factors for what I will call late night hysterical reading episodes are as follows:
    • Lack of Sleep
    • Reading at a late hour
    • Reading while alone
    • When you are over-worked or over-stressed
    • Reading things like proposal stories, wedding stories, anything that has to do with military men and their families, Haiti ect... 

A Bachelor Confession...

There is a chance that I may be a tad obsessed with The Bachelor this season. I almost feel like I am seeking out people to talk to about the weeks past and speculating about the upcoming week. My best girlfriend informed me that she loved The Bachelor this past week, i proceeded to get high and squeaky. Not the least of her concern was the fact that I wasn't breathing, I was just way to excited for essential body functions. I have even started saying a new word that I have never used before to describe my excitement and enthusiasm for The Bachelor, WICKED!!! While I understand that this is not a new word it is a word that i have never used before when describing, it somehow makes me feel like the little boy on the tricycle in The Incredibles. "That was totally WICKED!" However, there are many reasons why The Bachelor is not a waste of my time. I will justify my obsession now:
  • It helps me relax after a long day of class, practice and studying.
  • At business meetings I bond with some of the other ladies over, you guessed it, The Bachelor.
    • My obsession has allowed me to form a WICKED special bond with some ladies I did not know very well pre-bachelor. 
  • I get to share my love with my best gal pal
    • Which leads to weekly Bachelor parties, where we make nachos and get WICKED excited when Jake gives Tenley a rose!!
      • A WORD OF CAUTION: To much of this WICKED excitement may lead to a nacho mess on the floor, which your dog may eat. While he may enjoy jalapenos at the time, he wont later :(
  • It makes me ridiculously happy, which makes me smile. 
    • Studies have shown that smiling is good for your health.

Valentine's Day Photos

Reilley and I on the Beach...

Reilley and I Dancing...

The Beach...

Reilley and I cuddling under some blankets...

Panoramic of the beach...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why did Lot offer his daughters?

This site tells a little about why Lot offered his daughters:

But what do we do with Lot’s offer to hand his virgin daughters to the crowd of Sodomites? Since the Bible does not condemn this offer, but only its refusal by the crowd of Sodomites, I would assume that a completely different code of sexual behavior than ours is at work here, a code that does treat women and their sexuality as the property of their menfolk to be appropriated at will.

-From a book review of Sex in the Bible by: J. Harold Ellens. The book review was writted by: Tan Ilan

Tal Ilan received a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and was guest professor at Harvard and Yale. She is currently professor of Jewish Studies at the Free University in Berlin, Germany.

There are a ton more sites that talk about this topic, this is just one explanation.

Next Challenge: Cold Mountain

Day 2:Genesis 18:1- Genesis 21:7

Today we read about the three visitors, when Abraham pleads for Sodom, when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, Lot and his daughters, Abraham and Abimelech and the birth of Isaac.
I feel like some of this was a pretty difficult read. I do not really understand the reasons why some of the things happened the way that they did. I don't understand why the people of Sodom asked Lot to bring the men of their house outside to have sex with them. What I really don't understand is why Lot offered him daughters instead. I guess I will have to look up these things and get back to you. I also do don’t understand why Abraham felt the need to refer to Sarah as his sister. Guess I have a lot of things to look up.
One of the most amazing things for me to read in this is seeing Sarah's belief in chapter 18 and how her circumstance changed so dramatically by chapter 21, with the birth of her son Isaac. She started off in chapter 18 laughing at the Lord, who said that he would give her a child. Even when she doubted the Lord still provided what he promised.
I know that if I had said that I would do something for someone and they laughed at me, I would be less inclined to follow through. I would think that they were ungrateful and perhaps not see the purpose. Not God. He knew what this child would mean to Sarah and Abraham. He knew that even if they laughed at him He was going to provide for them their heart's desires.
When I look at Sarah's reaction to what the Lord was telling her He would do I recognize my reaction to Him as well. I recognize times when I may not have laughed at God outwardly, but inwardly I doubted that He would follow through like He promises. I try to find my own way, apart from God. Sarah was trying to deal with the reality that she was never going to have a child, even though that child was inevitable. It's a difficult pill to swallow when a husband and wife realize that they will not be able to have a child of their own. In the case of Abraham and Sarah this was a pill that they swallowed unnecessarily. It reminds me that if we would just listen to God, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11), we would save ourselves a lot of hurt and a lot of wrong turns.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Holiday Season!

Soon I will have pictures and videos of the holiday season. For Christmas I went to Florida to visit my Grandma. For New Year's Eve I went techno dancingThe next day I went camping at Wolf Gap, in Wardensville, WV. It was so cold but such a great experience.

Day 1: Genesis 15:1- 17:27

So yesterday Jon and I read Genesis 15:1 through 17:27. We read about God's covenant with Abram, Hagar and Ishmael and the covenant of circumcision. In chapter 16 we found it odd that when Hagar was approached by the angel of the Lord she seemed to be so calm, as if that was a normal everyday occurrence. Guess we will have to look into that in further detail. We also came to the conclusion that it would stink to be 13 (Ishmael) and 99 (Abraham) at the time you were circumcised. You would have to have great conviction in your beliefs to do that.

Verse that we really enjoyed from the reading:

"Do not be afraid Abram.
I am your shield,
your great reward."
-Genesis 15:1b

The One-Year Bible Challenge

Today I decided to start reading the one-year bible. I am pretty excited about it. I think that it will be quite the adventure. I think I am most excited about spending time with God with one of the people I care the most about. It will be a great experience. Someone once told me that when you write out your goals you are more likely to achieve them.

Just in case you are interested here is the website for the One-Year Bible:

Friday, January 1, 2010

Next Challenge: Mill Mountain